Brown package
Primary medical care, diagnostic and treatment.
- Initial, periodic and follow-up examinations provided for in the Labor Code.
- Visiting workplaces and providing the doctor with access to attend a meeting of the health and safety committee.
- Medical care by an internal medicine doctor without a limited number of visits.
- Unlimited access to specialists without the need for a referral
- gynecologist
- laryngologist
- neurologist
- cardiologist
- dermatologist
- A wide range of specialized diagnostic tests with no quantity limits and the need for a referral at a 30% discount.
- x-ray diagnostics
- lumbar spine
- thoracic spine
- cervical spine
- targeted lateral radiograph of the spine
- photograph of the entire spine
- chest
- abdomen
- pelvis
- sacroiliac joints
- hip, knee joint
- ribs
- clavicle
- shoulder joint
- vane
- humerus or forearm bone
- rate
- hand
- ankle
- heel bone
- skullcap
- skull base
- turkish saddle
- Sinuses (nasal, frontal)
- rehabilitation photos
- tooth
- audiometry
- spirometry
- psychotechnical laboratory
- Resting ECG
- ultrasonography
- abdomen
- thyroid
- nuclei
- breasts
- prostate
- salivary glands
- knees
- Laboratory tests unlimited, without the need for a referral with an 80% discount
- general analytics
- morphology with smear
- reticulocytes
- OB
- leukocytosis without a smear
- platelets - thrombocytes
- koalin-kefalin time
- prothrombin time
- bleeding and clotting time
- glucose
- sugar curve ( 5 parameter)
- Pregnancy sugar curve ( 3 parameter)
- urine - general analysis
- urine - glucose quantitatively
- urine - uric acid
- urine - sugar and acetone
- urine amylase (diastase)
- urine - Sulkowicz test
- feces - general examination
- stool - test for occult blood
- stool for parasites
- feces for the degree of digestion
- feces for pinworms
- stool for lamblia
- clinical chemistry
- alanine aminotransferase (ALAT )
- aspartate aminotransfetase (AspAT)
- amylase ( diastase)
- alkaline phosphatase
- acid phosphatase
- lipase
- total protein
- total bilirubin
- total cholesterol
- HDL cholesterol
- LDL cholesterol
- TG triglycerides
- creatinine
- uric acid
- urea
- liver tests
- sodium
- potassium
- calcium
- chlorine
- magnesium
- iron
- Discount on dental services in the offices of LUXMED-UZDROWISKO NAŁĘCZÓW Sp. z o.o. - For conservative dentistry, surgery and prosthodontics 10% discount.
- Immunization against influenza, hepatitis, ticks at preferential rates (in addition to the cost of the vaccine).
- Employees are entitled to a 10% discount on services not included in the package.
Place of service provision:
24-150 Nałęczów
al. Kasztanowa 6
If the medical service is not performed at LUXMED UZDROWISKO NAŁĘCZÓW SP. Z O.O., the patient will be referred to another provider, where the service will be performed (facilities of Medical Center "Luxmed" in Lublin").