Heart echo
Purpose of the study
Cardiac echo (cardiac ultrasound, echocardiography, ultrasonocardiography) is a test that evaluates the structure of the heart and its work. During the Echo examination, the valves (their structure and function) and the heart cavities (atria and ventricles) are evaluated by measuring their volume, wall thickness, contractility. The cardiac echo also diagnoses the presence of fluid (such as blood) in the pericardial sac.
Indications for the test include suspected heart defects, hypertension, assessment of contractility in coronary artery disease and other heart diseases. The purpose of the examination is to assess cardiac circulatory capacity and diagnose heart defects.
The ECHO examination of the heart is performed in the supine position, on the left side with the chest exposed.
The result of the test is provided immediately after the test in the form of a description.
Preparation for the study
The test does not require any preparation, and can be performed on patients of any age, as well as pregnant women.
It is recommended to provide the doctor with the previous results of the echo heart test.