Therapeutic pedicure

The cause of ingrown toenails is often clipping the edges of the nails, as well as wearing shoes with noses that are too tight. The pinched nail presses into the innervated epidermal rim of the toe. This causes pain, leads to swelling and even purulent inflammation. The nail can also screw in on one or both sides without causing inflammation. Cutting out part or all of the nail plate will not eliminate the problem, as the growth trajectory of the nail will not be permanently corrected and the problem will reappear after some time.


Orthonyx clamps

The podiatrist uses special clamps that non-invasively straighten the edges of the nail, and this prevents it from growing back in.


A special fiber cloth is placed under the ingrown part of the nail plate, which leaves no threads. The strip is soaked in a disinfectant. The treatment relieves inflammation, helps pull the soft tissue away from the nail plate, and eliminates pain.


- pedicure podologiczny (obcięcie paznokcia, korekta wrastającego paznokcia, założenie klamry ortonoksyjnej, tamponada, usuwanie odcisków oraz modzeli, profilaktyka i pielęgnacja stóp diabetyków) - 90zł - 150zł
- pedicure podologiczny - 150zł

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