X-ray, Pantomogram, RVG

Our patients can perform the following diagnostic test in our offices:

In dental surgery, a panoramic radiograph illustrates and allows analysis of the position of retained teeth that are not visible in the mouth, making it possible to plan and perform procedures such as the removal of eights.

In orthodontics, a panoramic radiograph is a basic and essential image for diagnosis and treatment planning with orthodontic appliances.

In prosthodontics, a pantomogram is helpful, and often essential, when planning prosthetic treatment, especially for extensive prosthetic restorations: skeletal dentures, dental bridges or implants.

In restorative dentistry, a pantomogram can detect certain carious cavities, damage to fillings or improperly root canal-treated teeth

In pediatric dentistry, pantomographic imaging makes it possible to diagnose dental malformations even before they erupt and to assess the development of teeth

In periodontology, a pantomographic image allows to evaluate periodontal tissues and localize possible pathological processes

In dental diagnostics, a pantomogram helps detect and diagnose many diseases that develop insidiously and asymptomatically, such as cysts and tumors

Pantomogram is a comprehensive X-ray examination in dentistry, carrying a lot of very valuable diagnostic information, so it is always recommended to perform it before starting dental treatment.