
Purpose of the study

Cytology reliably and accurately assesses the condition of the cervix and detects all changes occurring in it, such as inflammation, erosions and cancer at an early stage, giving 100% certainty of cure.

The most commonly used nomenclature system for cytological examination is the Bethesda (SB) three-step system (CIN 1-3):

The first cytology should be done just after the beginning of sexual intercourse, or after the age of 18. Cytology should be done at least once in every two years.

The result is available for collection after 7 working days.

Preparation for the study

The patient should not, for 24 hours before the test: wash the vagina, take vaginal medications, have intercourse.

The test should not be performed during menstruation. Cytology is best performed 2-3 days after menstruation no later than halfway through the menstrual cycle.